
Here you will find a variety of calculators designed to help you make informed financial decisions.

Mortgage Calculator

  • Calculate the monthly payments, repayments or costs of different mortgages.

Quick credit score evaluation

  • A quick credit score evaluation is an online tool to assess your creditworthiness.

Sav­ings Cal­cu­lator

  • Calculate future returns with or without regular savings.

General loan calculator

  • Helps you estimate costs and payments for both indexed and non-indexed loans.

Currency converter

  • You can view the general, banknote, or card rate.

Car financing

  • On Ergo's website, you can compare car loans and car contracts (in Icelandic).

Divi­sion of expenses

  • Here you can calculate how much each apartment should pay per month in house association costs.

Private pension calculator

  • Do you want to see how much equity you could have at retirement?

Contact us

Online chat

All general banking services are provided through the online chat.

  • Open from kl. 9:00 - 16:00 on weekdays

Send an enquiry

Sign in with your electronic ID to quickly submit an enquiry without manually entering personal information.

  • Response time 1-2 working days.
Send an enquiry

Contact center

The contact center provides all general banking services.

  • Opið í síma (440-4000) og í netspjalli frá kl. 9:00 - 16:00 alla virka daga.
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Book an appointment

You can schedule an appointment at a time that works best for you.