Private Pension Plans

Invest in your future. A private pension plan could be crucial to securing your retirement and one of the most cost-effective ways to save. Future Wealth is Íslandsbanki‘s private pension plan. Individuals aged 16-18 (non-financial) can apply for personal savings, but guardians must sign the agreement.

Interest overview

The following is an overview of the nominal interest on of all our investment options.

    Interest overview

    Are you missing out on a 2% salary raise?

    If you contribute 2 - 4% of your monthly income to your private pension plan and your employer will add a 2% contribution. A private pension plan s on of the easiest ways to secure a better future.

      Apply for Pension Savings (in Icelandic)


      Íslandsbanki is the custodian of private pensions and other pension related payment plans owned by our customers. Íslandsbanki works in accordance with the Act on Mandatory Insurance of Pension Rights and on Activities of Pension Funds, No. 129/1997.

      Information for employers

      Please review some of our practical information for submitting returns and premium payments.

        Information for employers (in Icelandic)

        Update employer

        You can also notify us of a new employer

          Update employer (in Icelandic)

          Withdrawal of Private Pension Savings

          Tax effi­cient pen­sion options

          Private pension savings can be used to pay towards your current mortgage or as a tax-free down payment for a new home. 

            More about tax efficient pension options

            Planning for retirement

            You can withdraw private savings hassle-free at 60. Our retirement page offers sound financial guidance for managing your finances during this stage of life.

              More about finances at retirement

              Frequently Asked Questions

              Contact us

              Do you have questions? Contact us

              Savings & Investments

              All employees

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              General disclaimer regarding Private Pension Plans

              Investments in financial instruments always entail financial risks, such as the risk of little or no return or total loss of capital. Past performance is neither an indication nor a guarantee of future returns. Risk increases if the investment is financed by credit and returns can increase or decrease due to exchange rate volatility if assets are in foreign currency. Taxation of Private Pension is assessed on an individual basis in accordance with current legislation and is subject to change.

              Framtíðarauður is a Private Pension Fund in accordance with Act No. 129/1997 on Mandatory Pension Insurance and on the Activities of Pension Funds. Íslandsbanki is the custodian of Framtíðarauður. Investors are advised to familiarise themselves with the rules of Framtíðarauður and the different strategies of each investment plan.

              Information on this site is intended for information purposes only and should not be considered as an offer or advice on the purchase, sale or other allocation of certain financial instruments. Íslandsbanki is not responsible for investment decisions made based on information on this site. The source of this information is considered reliable, but the accuracy or validity of the information cannot be guaranteed. The bank reserves the right to make changes to this information at any given time.

              Exchange rate developments and returns

              The annual administration fee is included in the daily calculation of each investment plan’s exchange rate. Return for 12-month periods or longer is calculated on an annual basis. Shorter periods are not calculated on an annual basis but show price change instead. Return is based on the latest price listed and portrayed in the base currency of each investment plan.