
Your confirmation is a first step toward adulthood. Imagining the future can be difficult but planning for it is easy. Start saving for the life you want.   

Contribution from us

Everyone of confirmation age depositing 30,000 or more into a Future Plan Account or a Fund at Íslandssjóði will receive an ISK 6,000 contribution from us. If you deposit more than 30.000 ISK you will get 5% of the amount, up to 16.000, in a contribution from the bank. The same goes for savings in Funds at Íslandssjóðir. All in all the contribution from us is up to 32.000 ISK.

When you‘ve deposited or transferred money into your account you can contact the bank to get your contribution.


Every child born in 2011 gets special offers in Fríða out benefit system. The only thing you need to do is to own a debet card from Íslandsbanki and activate the offers in the Íslandsbanki app.

Products and services

Becoming an adult is a gradual process but you can kick start your finances by setting some short and long-term goals. Our products and services are designed to meet the specific needs of our younger customers.

Finances for young people

Every generation has different expectations. Our young people accounts are designed to meet the specific needs of our younger customers.

    More info

    First job

    There are so many things to think about when you start your first job. Take the time to familiarise yourself with any working rights and to think about how you want to use your wages.

      More about first job

      Children's Savings

      The right type of savings can help make saving second nature. We offer a diverse range of long-term savings options so that your child can watch their money grow as they grow.

        More about children's savings

        Book an appointment

        Book an appointment with one of our advisors. We can offer you the advice you need. Choose a date and time that suits you.


        General disclaimer regarding investment in funds

        Investments in financial instruments always entail financial risks, such as the risk of little or no return or total loss of capital. Past performance is neither an indication nor a guarantee of future returns. Risk increases if the investment is financed by credit and returns can increase or decrease due to exchange rate volatility if assets are in foreign currency. Taxation of funds is assessed on an individual basis in accordance with current legislation and is subject to change.

        Investors are advised to familiarise themselves with the available information on funds, including key information on risk factors, investment authorisations and the use of derivatives. Non-UCITs funds have broader investment authorisations than UCITs and can therefore entail more risk. Information on the funds is obtained from Íslandssjódir hf., which is the funds’ management company and a subsidiary of Íslandsbanki hf.

        Information on this site is intended for information purposes only and should not be considered as an offer or advice on the purchase, sale or other allocation of certain financial instruments. The source of this information is considered reliable, but the accuracy or validity of the information cannot be guaranteed. The bank reserves the right to make changes to this information at any given time.

        Exchange rate developments and returns

        A fund management fee is included in the daily calculation of each fund’s exchange rate. Return for 12-month periods or longer is calculated on an annual basis. Shorter periods are not calculated on an annual basis but show price change instead. Return is based on the latest price listed and portrayed in the base currency of each fund.


        Each child in the confirmation age is entitled to a contribution, one for a deposit to the Future account and one for a deposit to a fund at Íslandssjóðir, a total of up to ISK 32,000. If the plan is to invest in savings, the child and both parents/guardians must book a telephone call with one of our advisors.