Securities trading
You can buy and sell Icelandic shares using Íslandsbanki's online bank. You also have access to a wide selection of bond funds, equity funds and mixed funds from Íslandssjóðir hf.
You can buy and sell Icelandic shares using Íslandsbanki's online bank. You also have access to a wide selection of bond funds, equity funds and mixed funds from Íslandssjóðir hf.
Real time status of share offers
Always open - you have access whenever it suits you
Better Terms - Business Fee Discount *
An easy way of setting up a regular subscription and saving
Accessible overview, receipts and more
* According to the Tariff of Charges for Investment Services, online banking provides a 25% discount on the trading fee of Icelandic shares and a 10% discount on the initial fee for the purchase of funds from Íslandsssjóðir hf. There is no handling fee for online transactions and a 50% discount is given on the same fee for shares.
The Íslandsbanki app provides a comprehensive overview of your savings and other assets with Íslandsbanki's securities and pension services.
Apply for the Íslandsbanki app
Investors are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with Íslandsbanki's information and rules related to trading in financial instruments.
Our Íslandsbanki securities and pension services consultants can help you with the sale and purchase of securities.