Íslandsbanki Sus­tain­ab­il­ity statement 2023

The sustainability statement covers environmental, social and corporate governance factors and are presented in line with ESG guidelines issued by Nasdaq Iceland in 2019, for the last time.

Íslandsbanki publishes an integrated Annual and Sustainability Report each year. The below sustainability statement for 2023 contains more detailed breakdown of ESG information as well as sections on organizational and operational boundaries, methodology and definitions. Auditing firm Deloitte was engaged to review and provide limited assurance for the Bank’s sustainability disclosures for 2023. The Sustainability statement is presented, like previous years, in line with ESG guidelines issued by Nasdaq Iceland, but the Bank assumes that in a year the Sustainability statement will be presented in line with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The statement is presented as is, so it is comparable to previous years.

Íslandsbanki‘s sustainability statement 2023 (pdf)