Other Loans

We provide a range of loan options that cater to your specific needs. We understand that there are times when you need to act quickly, which is why we offer loans suited for various situations. Whether you need a loan for a car purchase, a construction project, or unexpected expenses like a broken washing machine, we've got you covered.

Quick credit score eval­u­ation

A quick credit score evaluation is an online tool to assess your creditworthiness. You can apply for a full credit report online without visiting a branch.

Additional loan

designed to provide additional finance

If you've taken out a mortgage with a pension fund but still need extra financing, additional loans might be the right solution for you. For real estate purchases, mortgages and additional loans can cover up to 80% of the purchase price, while second-lien refinancing can cover up to 70%.

Lease guar­an­tee

Letters of Guarantee/Standby Letters of Credit are financial instruments used to facilitate business payments between two or more parties and serve as a tool for guarantee or finance.

General loan calculator

Our loan calculator helps you estimate costs and payments for both indexed and non-indexed loans.