Online security

The number of fraud attempts has increased significantly in recent years, and they target both individuals and companies. You should pay close attention to internet security. The information on this website can help you prevent financial fraud attempts from succeeding.

Do you suspect fraud?

  • Freeze your cards in the app. 
  • Log out of all registered devices in the app. 
  • Immediately contact Íslandsbanki at 440-4000, which is open 24/7 for emergencies.
  • Businesses and individuals can request the bank to assist in the recovery of funds following a fraudulent transfer by contacting 440-4000 immediately. If there is a suspicion of a fraudulent transaction on your card, you can file a chargeback.
  • The general rule is that you are responsible for transactions that are authenticated with strong authentication or your personal security elements. However, in some cases, it is possible to attempt to recover funds when fraud has occurred. It cannot be guaranteed that recovery will be successful, as each case needs to be reviewed individually. It is important to contact the bank immediately at 440-4000 and report suspected fraudulent transactions since the likelihood of recovering funds decreases with each passing day. 

    It is important to report incidents to the police and to your bank.

Shop online

When shopping online, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Main types of fraud

Examples of web scams

This is an example of phishing, where hackers pose as Netflix in an email:

Computer fraud in the name of Pósturinn

A brief explanation of the method used by fraudsters to steal card numbers

Good habits


Useful information from the police about phishing